[Solved] The Dial of the Old Ones Puzzle

[Solved] The Dial of the Old Ones Puzzle

Our quick guide can help you solve the dial of the old ones solution in a matter of minutes. Let’s go deeper. We will cross the plains and tundra, and no opponent can stop me. Until we encountered a complex problem, it needed more than a mighty sword to conquer. Treasure Hunt – Dial of … Read more

Which is Better, Retail or Classic WoW?

Which is Better, Retail or Classic WoW?

There’s no debate, really It’s been seventeen years since the release of World of Warcraft. For sure, it has evolved and changed over time. For some, it’s basically a different game by now. Two years ago, Blizzard released World of Warcraft Classic, a recreation of the game when it was first released. With that, the … Read more