Renewable energy is great for the environment and is also cost-effective in the long run. This is perhaps why this type of energy is growing in popularity by the day.
Some of the many benefits of renewable energy include inexhaustible energy and reduced global warming. You can visit to find out more benefits of this type of energy.
One source of renewable energy that has been in the spotlight for a long time now is solar (sunlight) energy. There are 3 major types of solar systems namely off-grid, grid-connected, and hybrid. While all of these are used globally, grid-connected systems are more preferred and this is because of the many benefits they offer over other types.
Below we will share some key benefits of grid-connected solar power systems. But before we do that, let’s quickly explain what this type of solar power system is.
Grid-Connected Systems – What is It?
Grid-connected systems are usually connected to the power grid. These systems mainly consist of inverters, solar panels, and grid connection gears. Other names for this type of power system are grid-connected PV system, on-grid, and grid-tied system.
Their size ranges from smaller residential systems to much larger solar stations. Unlike off-grid units that use batteries to store power, grid-tied units do not use batteries. Rather, they store excess power in the power grid they are connected to and then use this power to supply electricity at night or other times when there’s no sunlight. You can visit the Solargraf twitter page to learn more about how grid-tied solar units work.
Advantages of Grid-Connected Units for Homeowners
You stand to enjoy the following benefits if you get an on-grid unit for your home:
1. Affordability
When compared to other types of units, grid-tied units are a lot more cost-effective. The major reason why they are cost-effective is that they do not need batteries to operate. With off-grid and even hybrid units, you’d need to spend money on the accompanying batteries now and again.
Also, the initial cost of installing a grid-connected system is relatively cheaper when compared with other types of systems. For instance, installing an off-grid unit will cost three times the amount needed to install a grid-tied unit.
2. Net Metering (Reliability)
Net metering is a system that lets people who produce their electricity use the electricity stored in the grid at any time they want. Click here to learn more about net metering. This is what grid-tied units offer those that own them.
These units are very reliable because of their ability to store power in the power grid. When your unit can not produce power (probably because it is nighttime or the weather isn’t sunny) the power stored will then be used to supply electricity to the home.
Furthermore, if you don’t consume all the energy produced, the government (usually the state) will pay you some money for the extra power.
3. You Don’t Have to Worry About Batteries
As we have mentioned installing and maintaining grid-connected PV units is quite affordable because they do not require batteries. Batteries used for other solar units are one of their most expensive components. Not only will you be saved from this additional cost with a grid-tied unit, but you’ll also not be worried about damaging your battery by either over-charging or under-charging it.
4. Your Energy Is 100% Renewable
While solar energy in itself is renewable, the use of other gears like batteries (as with the case with off-grid and hybrid units) can still cause environmental contamination.
However, grid-connected units do not use batteries. Hence, the environmental contaminations these batteries cause are removed. This will let you breathe in fresher air at all times.
Most people even prefer these units because they can use them for a long period without facing any damage or side effects. They are also more durable than other systems. If you are mindful of reducing your carbon footprint, then this type of system is ideal for you. Click this for more tips on reducing your carbon footprint.
5. Installation is Easy
Connecting your unit to your utility grid isn’t difficult. You can even DIY it with a friend. However, sometimes, it is best to leave the jobs to the expert so that everything can be fully accounted for to ensure the system performs effectively.
When you contact an installation company, they will send an expert that will come and inspect your home and the area the unit is to be installed. Once they check the loads and electrical connections in your home, they will suggest the ideal on-grid unit for you.
6. Increase Your Home’s Value
If you have plans of one day selling your home, then chances are you have considered several ways to increase its value. Getting an on-grid system can help increase your home’s value because it’ll give your home a modern technological look that will draw in buyers.
Solar energy is one source of renewable energy that a lot of people are turning to in recent times. There are 3 main types of these systems but one is usually considered to be better than the remaining. The main reason for this is that the system is connected to the electrical grid where excess power is stored for later use.
However, other than this, there are still several other advantages grid-connected systems have over off-grid and hybrid systems. Some of these benefits including affordability, easy installation, and zero battery worries have been discussed in this article.