How to Install WordPress with MAMP?

WordPress with MAMP

Today we are going to install WordPress locally on your Mac with MAMP’ Links: MAMP Download(Download free version) WordPress Download (Fully Free) MAMP includes phpmyadmin, PHP, Apache. Step One: Download and Install MAMP Step Two: Launch MAMP (Not MAMP Pro) Step Three: Click start servers and click open start page Now you would … Read more

Why Are Mac Better than PC | 15 Reasons


There is a never-ending debate as to whether Macs are “better” than PC’s. Here are the 15 reason’s why ‘Mac’ is better than ‘PC’: Less Blinking Lights only about 1 or none Easier to troubleshoot (With console and activity monitor) so you can use your computer and spend less time troubleshooting your computer Very very less virus … Read more

Why use mySQL?

Why use mySQL?

The are lots of Relational Database Management System out there. But today we would be looking at a Relational Database Management System called MySQL and why use MySQL. mySQL If the world’s secondly used database and most used open source database. It was previously owned by Sun Microsystems but Oracle bought that company and now MySQL is … Read more