4 Fixes to Error Can’t Delete Files from SD Card

Why You Can’t Delete Files from SD Card

There is an issue being discussed on forums that is users can’t delete files from SD card successfully. Probably many of you have encountered this error before. Why does it happen?

In reality, many causes may lead to deletion failure on SD card. For instance, if the target file while it is being opened, it’s certain you can’t delete it. Or the SD card is write-protected, you’ ll get the same result. In addition, virus attack and bad sector also may be the reasons.

Don’t worry. We are going to introduce some useful methods to fix error can’t delete files from SD card in the next part. Now, let’s have a look.

Follow These Ways If You Can’t Delete Files from SD Card

All these methods will be taken on a Windows computer, so please connect the SD card to computer in advance. For the consideration for SD card data security, you’d better make a backup of data existing in the SD card.

Method 1- Disable Write Protection on SD card

How to get rid of write protection on a SD card? You have 3 choices.

Method 1: Unlock SD Card

You can check the SD card to see whether it is lock. How do you know it is locked? Actually, just check the position of Lock switch. If the switch is moved to the Lock position, it means the SD card is write-protected. Just slide the switch toward the Unlock position to disable write protection.

Unlock SD Card

Method 2: Remove Read-only Mode

Command Prompt is a Windows inbuilt utility that enables you to manage disks and partitions better. It can help you solve can’t delete files from SD card error on Windows.

You can also check for anteater error code.

Step 1: Press Win + R keys. Input cmd in the box and press Enter. Choose to run as administrator.

Step 2: Type diskpart In Command Prompt window and followed by pressing Enter.

Step 3: Type these command lines in turn. Don’t forget to press Enter after each one.

  • list disk
  • select disk * (* represents the disk number of the SD card)
  • attributes disk clear readonly

attributes disk clear readonly

Method 3: Change Value Data in Registry

Sometimes, when there is something wrong with Registry, the SD card may be write-protected. So, try editing value data in Registry to remove write protection.

Step 1: Also, input regedit in Run dialog. Then, press Enter button to access to Registry window.

Step 2: Navigate to this path:


Step 3: Look for WriteProtect in the right window. Double click it and then, edit the Value data as 0.

Step 4: After that, you need to restart computer and then try deleting SD card files again.


Method 2 – Scan and Check SD Card

You may fail to delete files from SD card when it is corrupted. So, you may try checking if it is logically corrupted. Choose a suitable way from following choices to check and fix SD card errors.

Way 1: Windows Error Checking

Windows error checking is a tool to check and fix tool to scan disks for errors related to file system.

① In Windows Explorer, right click the SD card and choose Properties.

② Click Tools > Check under Error-checking.

③ Then, the tool will scan the SD card and fix found errors automatically.


Way 2: CMD CHKDSK Utility

CHKDSK utility in Command Prompt can also help you fix corrupted SD card, including bad sectors.

① Also, you need to run into Command Prompt window.

② Type the command chkdsk k: /f and press Enter, imaging the drive letter of the SD card is k.

Way 3: Mini Tool Partition Wizard

Partition Wizard is free disk manager for Windows users. Except for checking and fix disk error, you are also allowed to merge partition, split partition, wipe disk and many other operations. Now, you can use it to fix errors regarding to file system.

After downloading and installing it on your Windows, open it to get the main window.

Choose the connecting SD card and click Check File System feature on the left panel.

Choose Check & fix detected errors option. Click Start.

Check & fix detected errors

Method 3 – Update SD Card Driver

Check if the SD card drive is outdated or corrupted. Update or reinstall it if necessary.

① Type devmgmt.msc in search box. Press Enter to go to Device Manager.

② All devices are listed in Device Manager window. Locate and click Disk drivers to expand it.

③ Right click the SD card and click Update driver option from the menu. Then, follow the instructions to finish the update process.

Method 4 – Get SD Card Formatted

Formatting is the last but effective way to fix corrupted SD card, especially RAW SD card. It will be very easy because you have multiple choices to do it, like Windows Disk Management, Diskpart and File Explorer.

But if your SD card is larger than 32GB, needing to be formatted to FAT32, all previous tools will not work. In this case, Partition Wizard meets the requirement perfectly. You can use it to finish the job without effort.

Since formatting will delete all data on the SD card, it’s vital to back up data in advance to avoid data loss.


Now, you may have a general idea why you can’t delete files from SD card and acquired the methods to solve it. We have displayed different practical methods. Hope they can help you out.