Reasons Why Good Web Design Is Important

Web design is not a skill that everyone has. It takes time, patience and creativity to do well. The good news is that you can hire someone who knows what they are doing to make your website look beautiful. You can make use of Web Design in Sydney for your business efficiency and growth. This post will discuss five reasons why good web design is essential and how it affects your bottom line as a business owner.

Good Web Design Is Important

Significance Of Web Design

  • The design of healthcare websites was responsible for 94% of consumers’ first impressions

A study of the top 200 healthcare websites in the US found that 94% of users’ first impressions were made by design rather than content. That’s what they saw before even reading any text on your site. So if you want to make a good impression with your visitors, web design is one thing not to skimp out on. 

  • 75% of consumers judge a company’s legitimacy Based On its aesthetic appearance

In the digital age, a company’s website has become an important marketing tool. If your site looks outdated and unprofessional to customers, they will be less likely to believe that your business is legitimate or trustworthy.

  • If your website’s content and appearance are unappealing, 38% of visitors will abandon it

Your website’s content and appearance are the first impressions you give to visitors. If your site looks unprofessional, it reflects poorly on your business as a whole. Visitors will assume that if they can’t even take time to make their webpage look nice and professional, then there is something wrong with everything else about them. 

  • It just takes five seconds for a visitor to create an opinion about your website design

A professional website design makes your company appear more credible and is easier for visitors to navigate. You can also save money by using a web designer who does all of the heavy lifting so that you can focus on what your company does best. There are many companies that provide web design in Melbourne, or web design all over the world, so make sure to shop around for the best designer for your business.

Why Must You Have Good Web Design?


Because your navigation is one of the essential aspects of your website design, it must be well-designed. This is because it will directly impact how well your website functions and the success of your business.


Web design is essential for usability. If your web page or blog post does not look good, it will be difficult to use and understand on a mobile device because of the smaller screen space (especially if you are using a responsive website). But by having an aesthetically pleasing site user experience consultants that has been optimized for mobile devices, people can easily read what you have to say or do what you need them to because it is more accessible.


Good web design can increase your conversion rates by up to 80%. ​ That’s a significant number. To put it in perspective, this means that for every 100 visitors you have without good web design, only 20 will convert. But with excellent web design? You could see as many as 120 conversions from the same amount of traffic.

We hope that you find this blog helpful in making your web design more effective and helpful