5 Business Marketing Tips For 2021

Marketing is an ongoing aspect of business ownership.  If you want your business to keep going, you have to have customers.  If you want more customers, you have to market your business.  It’s that simple.  

Your marketing plans have to be versatile enough to keep drawing new interest year after year.  Take a moment now to check out a few business marketing tips to get your business on the right track this year.  

Build a strong social media presence

Social media is a hub for billions of people on a daily basis.  The platform is far too wide open for your business not to build a presence.  

Design a profile for every one of the top social media platforms, and post regularly.  Keeping your social media presence active will make it more beneficial to your business.  There are resources published on Polkadot Communications that explain how to do this in more detail.

Use a program like Hootsuite to manage your various social media profiles more easily.  Hootsuite allows users to access and manage all of their social media profiles at once in a single window.  

Follow up on all leads 

Make sure your business is following up with all leads.  Scoring proper leads for your business is only half the battle.  You have to respond when consumers bite.  

Devise a strategy for your business to help manage and follow-up on digital and face-to-face leads, so you’re not missing out on an excellent connection.  

Always carry business cards

You never know when your business will come up in conversation.  You never know when you will find yourself in a situation where a business card will be useful.  

It’s best to always keep a few business cards on your person, so you’re always ready to make a new connection.  This is a great way to take an active role in the marketing efforts of your business.  

Focus on website development

Your business website is paramount to the success of your marketing strategy.  A website serves as a digital home base for your operation and establishes the identity of your business to your online audience.

It’s always worth the extra investment to work on your business website.  Hire a digital developer who knows exactly what your site’s design needs to draw more traffic and better engagement.

Given that web development is an important item to execute well for your business, employing a single digital developer may not be enough to accomplish what you want.

With that in mind, you may check into some of the top web development companies in India and their services; they provide a wide range of services at a reasonable cost.

Claim your Google My Business

If you’ve not yet claimed your place on the Google My Business directory, you’ve been missing out on valuable connections with consumers.  Google doesn’t automatically list businesses, but it won’t cost you anything but time to set up the listing yourself.  

You can enter in store hours (if you have a brick and mortar store), location information, your website address, and other critical information consumers need to make contact with your business.  Being on Google makes it easy for people to find you.